Texan’s distribution fleet consists of eleven fully equipped trucks and trailers which can manage fuel deliveries up to 40 000ℓ at a time
Product availability which include the correct fuel products in the right quantities, delivered on time. Product reliability-products must be fit for purpose, free of contamination or unacceptable levels of blending. Integrated control over fuel products and delivery services. Product supplies linked to bridging facilities in line with customer`s own cashflows. Product discounts based on repayment terms. Supply and maintenance of redistribution equipment (storage tanks and pumps) Unparamounted attention to service delivery.RESPONSE TIME TO BULK FUEL ORDERS
Deliveries will always be effected on the same day if orders are placed before 10:00 in the morning. If for some unforeseen reason, your order does not reach us before 10:00 we will also deliver on the same day if agreement to deliver after 16:00 can be reached.QUALITY ASSURANCE
To assure that the quality of fuel products supplied by Texan Petroleum complies with strict criteria
Tanks and tank compartments are checked that they are empty and free from any moisture before and after loading
Apart from quality checks by suppliers, Texan performs its own quality checks on products received from petroleum companies and other wholesale petroleum suppliers
Should quality disturbances appear at clients, Texan performs its own quality checks to determine the source of any possible contamination.
Texan strictly adheres to compliance with the requirements of petroleum companies and other wholesale petroleum suppliers to prevent quality disturbances
Texan complies with the quality requirements of the petroleum products amendment act and regulations
Special attention is given to the training and coaching of our staff who are involved with the loading and transport of petroleum products, and they are qualified with all the necessary certificates (HAZCHEM Training Certificates)to handle Hazardous products.
- davidvanaswegen@yahoo.com
- yianna@texanpetroleum.co.za
- susan@texanpetroleum.co.za
- Mobile: 082 758 8563 / 079 976 2548
- Tel Office: 087 985 0609
Texan Petroleum (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number 2006/006291/07)
Additional Contact Details:
- Phambile: 082 679 8630
- Libangeni: 072 935 1023
- Roodeplaat: 083 468 3361
- Kameeldrift: 066 282 8267
- Radium: 082 630 3407
- Rosslyn: 012 541 3034